Exhibitor News

Protégeme: The ally APP in critical situations

Protégeme is an innovative security application that allows users to send immediate alerts in critical situations at the touch of a button.

Publicada: Monday 23 de September del 2024
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Protégeme is a security application designed to provide an immediate response in critical situations. in critical situations. With a single press of a panic button, you can set up a quick call to a community a quick call to a community care center that can help you in various emergencies, such as assaults, accidents, fires, health problems and assaults, accidents, fires, health problems and harassment situations, among others. The app works efficiently through 4G/5G/WiFi networks and automatically sends the precise location of the emergency to the care center. This allows for a more efficient This allows for a more efficient response, as the care staff will immediately know where the safety alert originated. In addition to notifying the care center, when the panic button is activated, the application automatically sends automatically sends text messages (SMS) and pre-recorded voice calls to a group of contacts that you have previously contacts that you have previously selected, which can be family, friends or neighbors. In this way, your close contacts will be immediately informed about the emergency and your location, which will location, which will facilitate a quick and coordinated response from your support network. This platform works for organizations, communities, municipalities, and other institutions that have a community care and/or security system, so that through them, they can distribute the application to their through them, they will be able to distribute the application to their users, neighbors or collaborators, manage and control the the use of the application. If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact their support team at their support team at soporte@redvoiss.net.

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