In December 2024, with 91 votes in favor, 28 against and 6 abstentions, Congress passed the law creating the Ministry of Public Security, awaiting the signature of the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric. Almost two months after its dispatch from Congress, the law was promulgated, establishing the creation of the new ministerial portfolio, for which the President of the Republic set a term of approximately four months for its entry into force. The new ministry, the 25th in the country, will be in charge of the Forces of Order and Public Security, creating an Integrated Police Coordination Center, which will be composed of Carabineros de Chile, Investigative Police, Gendarmerie, National Intelligence Agency, Internal Revenue Service, Customs, sectoral ministries, regional governments, municipalities and the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The new ministerial portfolio will have two sub-secretariats: Public Security, which will deal with organized crime, terrorism and border security. And Crime Prevention, which will be in charge of victim assistance, private security and providing tools to work together with all the ministries that contribute to crime prevention. Regarding the tasks of the future Minister of Security, a press release issued by the Presidency stated: “The Minister will formulate and evaluate policies and strategies to combat organized crime, drug trafficking and terrorist acts. In this line, he will coordinate the work with the National Intelligence Agency, the Forces of Order and Public Security and the other competent agencies in the matter”. As for the work in the regions, it will be led by a Seremi of Public Security, with the purpose of coordinating the police forces of the sector. In addition, the Presidential Delegate will also have attributions, such as, for example, the capacity to instruct the Seremi of Public Security to act in the event of public order disturbances in the territory.