BolaWrap represents probably the greatest breakthrough in the area of public safety in the last decade. This device is the result of years of research and development to materialize a device that allows restraining people from a distance, without causing them pain, unlike the other devices currently available to the police force that act by applying pain (gun, taser, tear gas, pellets and firearms). It is important to mention that this device is developed and manufactured exclusively in the United States, a country with a high level of civil rights regulations, thanks to which, today we have a reliable device, easy to use and that ultimately prevents the escalation of violence. Why is it important for a police and security force to have such a device? Limiting any potential risk situation, along with avoiding the escalation of violence is a priority, therefore, it is of great importance to have efficient systems that do not involve excessive exposure of police or security personnel. In addition, as it is a device that does not cause pain, it prevents law enforcement and security personnel from being inhibited by its use, which can be highly probable when using restraint systems that cause harm, pain or even death. Is this device only intended to provide safe restraint for criminal cases? That is only one of its characteristics, however, it is important to refer to a little disclosed aspect such as the multiple cases of restraint of people in situations of extreme violence due to the use of drugs or other substances and even in cases of people who have threatened to self-inflict injuries, that is, we are talking about a device that saves lives. Who can access this device? BolaWrap was conceived exclusively for police and security forces and its commercialization process incorporates multiple controls as well as complete traceability for its respective accessories. What can you tell us about the international presence of BolaWrap? The implementation of this device worldwide is already a reality and currently this device is in use in more than 1000 police agencies in the United States (which previously carry out their own evaluations). Additionally, BolaWrap is already present in 62 countries around the world. This reaffirms that regardless of the different realities of each country, all have seen in BolaWrap an effective solution to address and limit possible situations of violence in a timely manner. What can you tell us about BolaWrap’s presence at SeguridadExpo 2023? In this opportunity we are preparing an important presence, which incorporates demonstrations of both the BolaWrap device and the Wrap Reality training system, which allows to increase the learning capacity for the use of BolaWrap as well as for the management of different police procedures. We will have the presence of senior executives of the manufacturer, and technical staff who will gladly answer any questions or concerns regarding this device.