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CATI Law, the new measure that seeks to reduce road accidents in the country

A year after its enactment and awaiting its official implementation, the Automated Center for the Treatment of Infractions or better known by its acronym CATI, began its first pilot tests with the installation of cameras in various streets of the country. A key issue that involves the entire ecosystem of SeguridadExpo.

Publicada: Wednesday 28 de February del 2024
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The initiative aims to reduce fatal road accidents by 30%, which is equivalent to almost 600 lives saved per year, through the installation of control cameras at strategic points in the cities.
Regarding its operation, the control will be carried out by means of an automated network of devices, where the control zones must be properly marked. These devices will make it possible to detect, by means of cameras, infractions such as speeding, circulation in urban areas restricted by environmental pollution and improper use of exclusive lanes.
In July 2023, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications carried out the first pilot tests in order to test and define the technologies to be used for its final implementation. In this context, 11 companies -national and foreign- expressed their intention to participate and installed cameras in 13 zones in different parts of the capital. The results of this first pilot plan have not yet been disclosed, as they are still under study and will be used for the next pilot program scheduled for the first half of this year.

Among the companies participating in these first tests are some that presented their technologies at SeguridadExpo 2023, such as Neural Labs, Dahua Technology, Smart Partners and Auter.
SeguridadExpo 2024, the most important international security trade fair in the country, will be held once again at the Metropolitan Santiago Convention Center from September 25 to 27. On this occasion, and as in its last version, the exhibition will present the main technologies and tools used worldwide in public and private security, becoming the epicenter of the entire security offer for the different actors in the sector.
To participate in this new version, please contact us at:

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