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SeguridadExpo signs an important agreement with Carabineros de Chile for the organization of the 2024 edition.

“This is a great opportunity for the institution,” said General Enrique Monrás Álvarez, during the meeting in which the agreement was signed.

Publicada: Thursday 18 de April del 2024
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In the offices of the National Directorate of Order and Security of Carabineros de Chile, an important agreement was signed between the police institution and SeguridadExpo, the leading convergent security fair in Chile.
The agreement establishes the figure of strategic sponsor on the part of Carabineros de Chile and was signed during Wednesday afternoon between General Enrique Monrás Alvarez and Rodrigo Lobo, General (a) of FISA OFICIAL, part of GL events Chile, and organizer of the event to be held between September 25 and 27 in Metropolitan Santiago.
“It is a great opportunity for the institution,” said General Monrás Álvarez during the meeting that sealed the signing of the agreement. “The participation of Carabineros in such an important security event for the country is a tremendous support for our exhibition”, said Rodrigo Lobo, after the signing of the agreement.
At the event, General Monrás Alvarez also highlighted the “interest of the population in security issues” and underlined the importance for the institution of being a protagonist in everything related to this. “We are interested in being able to lead them, not only internally, but also in the region. It is a springboard,” said the authority.

Rodrigo Lobo, meanwhile, thanked Carabineros for the institution’s ongoing commitment to this type of initiative. “Their support gives us a key added value because it will allow us to increase the presence of international delegations and because the sponsorship of Carabineros gives SeguridadExpo a key prestige weight.”

SeguridadExpo 2024
In the last edition of SeguridadExpo 2023, more than 120 brands gathered to present the latest technologies in key areas such as access control, alarm systems, video surveillance, monitoring and drones. The most important international security trade fair in the country will be held once again at the Metropolitan Santiago Convention Center from September 25 to 27. On this occasion, as in its last version, the exhibition will present the main technologies and tools used worldwide in public and private security, becoming the epicenter of the entire security offer for the different actors in the sector.

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