Exhibitor News
Our team is all set for the SeguridadExpo 2023 trade show in Chile! Come visit Polimaster Inc. from November 07-09, where our team of experts will be happy to show you our cutting-edge solutions that help the community respond quickly and effectively to radiological threats. We are excited to be part of this event, demonstrating our dedication to safeguarding lives and improving safety measures.
Thursday 21 de September del 2023Recognized worldwide as a leading company in security solutions, is proud to announce its outstanding participation in the prestigious SeguridadExpo 2023 trade show.
Wednesday 13 de September del 2023The CTAIMA team in Chile will be present at booth No. 406
Friday 8 de September del 2023En el vertiginoso mundo de los negocios, donde los desafíos y las amenazas pueden surgir en cualquier momento, la seguridad se convierte en un pilar fundamental para el crecimiento y la prosperidad de cualquier empresa. En Chile, nuestra empresa Ingetech ha destacado durante más de dos décadas por el compromiso inquebrantable con la seguridad empresarial. Esto nos ha permitido estar a cargo de la vigilancia de más de 20 instituciones del Estado como tribunales, hospitales, ministerios, municipalidades y universidades. Contamos con una sólida presencia en ocho sucursales a lo largo del país, como Arica, Santiago, Iquique, Antofagasta, Copiapó, La Serena y Viña del mar.
Thursday 7 de September del 2023Desde 2014 hemos construido una marca sólida, reconocible, centrados en la calidad y durabilidad de nuestros productos; manteniendo relaciones a largo plazo con nuestros clientes.
Wednesday 6 de September del 2023Our solutions automatically analyze video from surveillance cameras and are an invaluable tool for police forces and private security professionals.
Wednesday 6 de September del 2023In an increasingly complex and dynamic world, security is an inescapable priority. That is why we are proud to introduce our company “BlackHawk Defense System”, a security company that redefines the standards of protection and peace of mind.
Wednesday 30 de August del 2023The leading trade fair for convergent security in Chile for Latin America will be held from November 7 to 9 at the Metropolitan Santiago venue, located in Vitacura.
Wednesday 16 de August del 2023Technology for crime prevention:
Hytera: Public safety solutions and innovationPersonal cameras, security cameras, intelligent systems and multi-technology radios are some of the key elements in crime prevention in the world’s police forces, which prefer open standards of critical communication to prevent and contain crimes.
Wednesday 9 de August del 2023National Chamber of Commerce: “It is urgent that all sectors work together in a national security policy” due to repeated assaults in shopping malls. El Mostrador January 30, 2023
Thursday 13 de July del 2023