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The Governor of Santiago, Claudio Orrego Larraín, presented the first Integrated Telesurveillance Cameras System

Santiago, April 30, 2024 – The governor of Santiago, Claudio […]

Publicada: Monday 6 de May del 2024
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Santiago, April 30, 2024 – The governor of Santiago, Claudio Orrego, together with the presidential delegate, Constanza Martínez, and the regional councillor, Karina Ramos, president of the Infrastructure and Transport Commission, launched this morning the first Integrated System of CCTV cameras and traffic management with artificial intelligence, which has a total of 1,106 cameras, including 695 cameras in the commune of Santiago, 377 from the Operational Unit of Traffic Control (UOCT) and 34 from Central Station.

Regarding this unprecedented tool, Governor Claudio Orrego, said “this is a system that will help us to manage traffic in Santiago, it will help us to manage emergencies and it will also help us to prevent crime and prosecute crime in Santiago. Here we have the first 1,100 cameras, we still have another 5,000 to integrate”.

The governor also detailed that this system will work with artificial intelligence to detect the various danger alerts on public roads. These include: crowds of people; flow analysis; traffic analysis; traffic analysis; collision detection; pedestrian analysis; parked cars; detection of weapons and Molotov cocktails; detection of hooded men and white overalls; detection of abandoned objects, dogs, delivery-type motorbikes; street commerce; detection of number plates and vehicles without number plates; face detection; lock-ups; property intrusion; hands up; loitering; motorbikes loitering on pavements; pedestrians fighting; people on the ground.

In this line, Governor Claudio Orrego indicated that “the software is going to be our ears and our eyes. This artificial intelligence is going to decide when there are traffic problems in the city, when there are problems of incivilities in the city and when there are also problems of crime. And it will generate alerts for the operators behind this agreement.

For her part, the presidential delegate, Constanza Martínez, commented that “thanks to this system, which is designed with a lot of impetus, there is a sense of the state arriving more quickly and also arriving more efficiently, so that in no case does it go unpunished. Undoubtedly, we are going to work together and be able to be more coordinated, more prepared and with a better sense of urgency for our citizens”.

The regional councillor and president of the Infrastructure and Transport Commission, Karina Ramos, emphasised that “the integration of these more than 1,000 cameras will allow us to take a step towards clearer, more efficient and better-resourced decision-making”.

This system also integrates an evidence management platform that facilitates the rapid transfer of images at the request of police or prosecutors interested in a possible crime.

Source: La Tercera

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