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Governor Orrego Proposes the Use of Taser Guns for Police and Municipal Inspectors

Orrego emphasized that there are a significant number of crimes where criminals do not use lethal weapons, leaving national police with only two options: batons and firearms.

Publicada: Thursday 6 de June del 2024
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The Governor of the Metropolitan Region, Claudio Orrego, participated in the programme Contigo En Directo on Chilevisión, where he showed how the taser pistols work, which he proposes for the Chilean police, and which have been the protagonists of the last edition of SeguridadExpo.

“The security crisis we are experiencing requires us to have all the tools available on the market to improve our response capacity,” said the governor.

Orrego emphasized that there are a significant number of crimes where criminals do not use lethal weapons, leaving national police with only two options: batons and firearms. “These electric guns are used in nearly 100 countries around the world and are intended to immobilize a person, not to kill them,” he added.

Before being used, the taser gun emits a noise and has a laser pointer, which often dissuades the criminal. “This is not a lethal weapon; it contracts your muscles for five seconds, during which you cannot move any muscle and fall to the ground,” stated Orrego.

In fact, the gun counts the five seconds, during which the police can subdue the criminal. Additionally, the system includes a camera, which according to Orrego ensures proper use by the police. “I support the idea that with good training, municipal inspectors can also use it.”

Finally, the governor stated, “If the problem is the lack of resources, we have told the government that we are willing to invest money so that police and, why not, municipal inspectors can have this non-lethal tool, because it is not a weapon, it doesn’t kill anyone, but it does prevent crimes and save lives.”

Source: Chilevision

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