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Ministry of the Interior hastens project presentation to create the new Ministry of Public Security

It was planned for the end of the first semester, but President Piñera’s government is seeking to accelerate definitions and is determined to present the bill creating

Publicada: Tuesday 9 de March del 2021
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It was planned for the end of the first semester, but President Piñera’s government is seeking to accelerate definitions and is determined to present the bill creating the new Ministry of Public Security in Chile in the next few weeks. In fact, this is what the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, reportedly told Senator José Miguel Insulza (PS) on Thursday in a private meeting they held in La Moneda to discuss the next steps of the bicameral Security Commission, a body created to generate agreements to speed up the processing of the security agenda, which is chaired by the PS parliamentarian and in which the government also participates. The government indicates that the text is still being worked on, but that the objective is to present it during March. And if that is not possible, in April at the latest. Proposals A first draft was presented in January by the Undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, in which he expressed the government’s will to separate the current ministry, since ‘the role of the Interior is of a political nature, while Public Security requires particular and specialized technical capabilities’. Among the proposals presented by Galli, it is stated that the new Ministry of Public Security “will be the superior body of collaboration of the President of the Republic in matters of internal public security, for which purposes it will propose and evaluate the corresponding policies and plans, and will control their execution”. It also states that the Law Enforcement and Security Forces “will depend on this ministry” and will be governed by their respective organic laws. It also states that it will be responsible for “the management of administrative matters and processes that the Public Order and Security Forces require for the fulfillment of their functions”. And finally, it indicates that the ministry shall “carry out the sectorial and inter-sectorial coordination” for the achievement of the objectives set in matters of internal public security, public order, prevention, rehabilitation and social reinsertion. Source: El Mercurio – Image: El Mercurio 

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