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President Boric heads meeting at La Moneda to address public safety crisis

The Interior Ministry will announce legislative measures to expedite the expulsion of migrants who are in the country illegally.

Publicada: Monday 20 de November del 2023
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Early this Monday morning, after the traditional honors of the Palace guard, President Gabriel Boric heads a meeting in La Moneda with other State institutions to address the public security crisis. Specifically, the meeting is attended by the Minister of the Interior and Public Security, Carolina Tohá; the National Director of Migration, Luis Eduardo Thayer, and the Director General of the PDI, Sergio Muñoz. Also present are both undersecretaries of the Interior portfolio: Manuel Monsalve and Eduardo Vergara. The purpose of the meeting is to coordinate the work of the institutions and to prepare the measures that the Executive is preparing in matters of security and, particularly, those related to expedite the administrative expulsion of migrants whose situation in the country is irregular. The meeting also takes place in the wake of the latest criminal acts that took place in the country, where last Wednesday afternoon a policewoman was injured with shrapnel from a grenade thrown against her by a motorcyclist, in the middle of an inspection in downtown Santiago, where a Venezuelan citizen was allegedly involved. This, in addition to the increase of kidnappings and homicides at national level, which has been reported by the Attorney General’s Office. Yesterday Monsalve explained that the Undersecretary of the Interior has the authority to carry out expulsions for security reasons. In a conversation with Meganoticias, the Undersecretary explained that “we are going to start using this power which has the virtue of shortening the administrative term of expulsion and we are going to propose to the Parliament two changes in this matter”.

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