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Public and private security, disaster prevention and cybersecurity will mark the SecurityExpo 2023 congress

The largest security meeting for Latin America, SeguridadExpo 2023, presented today the main lines of its congress, which will be held on Tuesday, November 7 and Wednesday, November 8, at the Metropolitan Santiago convention center.

Publicada: Friday 8 de September del 2023
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The International Congress on Integral Security, in its VII version, will bring together professionals, experts and leaders from various related fields who will discuss key issues, sharing knowledge, and exploring the latest trends and advances in the field, addressing the most important issues at the national level, which will be a roadmap to protect people and provide more protection to the population. The seminars and talks will bring together more than 30 speakers from more than five countries, all experts in the field, from public and private institutions, service providers, among others. The conformation of the panels following the strategic axes of major relevance for the sector, considering: Cyber-prevention; Public safety in neighborhoods; Disaster prevention; Private security; and Citizenship, municipalities and crime prevention, among others. The first day of the congress will begin at 11:30 am, after the opening ceremony, with a space dedicated to the Association of Municipalities, where speakers representing various municipalities will discuss, present and share the challenges and experiences faced by each commune or locality. In the afternoon, from 15:00 hrs, the first panel “Use of technological tools in crime prevention” will explore how technological innovation is redefining the options for combating crime. Later, at 17:00 hrs, panel 2 “Increase in cyber-attacks: Sustainability of a national cybersecurity system” will close the day, analyzing the impact of cyber-attacks at the country level and how to prevent them efficiently. On Wednesday, November 8, the congress will present during the morning panel three “Strengthening private security: In search of comprehensive implementation”, which will address the strategies and solutions that the private sector demands today; and panel 4 “Facing the challenges of road safety: Building safe connectivity”, where specialists in the area will discuss the challenges that arise in road issues, considering the cities in the medium and long term. In the afternoon, panel 5 “Public policies and prevention in the face of natural and socio-natural disasters” will be held, where the causes of catastrophes and how to prevent possible tragedies through effective strategies and public policies will be discussed. Finally, the congress will close with Panel 6, “Ensuring Border Security: Effective Control Strategies,” which will discuss the challenges the country faces in managing its borders, a problem that has worsened in recent years with illegal migration and drug trafficking. And Panel 7, “Mining Security: More Efficient Processes Backed by Increased Protection,” explores how technology and innovative strategies are improving protection in one of the country’s most important industries. Rodrigo Bastidas, manager of SeguridadExpo, highlights the varied topics of the International Congress on Integral Security, indicating that “it will be two intense days with high-level seminars and talks, which will feature prominent panelists and speakers who will address the main challenges that exist in terms of security in the country and in the world. We are happy to present this conference, which will surely help to encourage new measures or strategies to protect and protect people, both in Chile and Latin America. For this reason, we invite the entire security ecosystem to be part of it”.

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