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SecurityExpo 2021 will address the challenges in cybersecurity left by the pandemic, crime, migration, border security and climate change

Between October 26 and 28, the VI exhibition and International Congress of Integral Security 2021 “Security Challenges for the XXI Century” will be held.

Publicada: Thursday 7 de October del 2021
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Between October 26 and 28, the VI exhibition and International Congress of Integral Security 2021 “Security Challenges for the XXI Century” will be held. One of the most important fairs in Latin America returns with the force of face-to-face attendance: SeguridadExpo 2021 that unites the public and private security sector in one place. This will be held between October 26 and 28 at Espacio Riesco. The meeting organized and produced by Fisa, is the main event of the sector in Chile, because it offers solutions to face the challenges of security in the country. This exhibition is of an international nature and has broad institutional support. During this version, the exhibiting companies will exhibit products in three strategic areas: Private and public security, Industrial safety, occupational health and biosecurity and Fires and natural disasters. International Congress During the 3 days of the exhibition, the International Congress will be held in parallel, which will have 11 panels where more than 50 speakers will be presented. On Tuesday, October 26, a Master Class will be offered by Senator Kenneth Pugh “The challenges in Cybersecurity left by the pandemic”. Then the panelists Juan Francisco Galli, Undersecretary of the Interior, the senator and member of the security commission of the Upper House, Felipe Kast, the constituent Felipe Harboe and Miguel Ángel Ramírez, national president of the Association of Professionals of Private Security Chile (CPSEG) will be part of the conference “Current and future situation of Security in Chile”. The third panel of the first day of the exhibition is called “Future scenarios of cybersecurity” and the panelists will be: Carlos Landeros, CSIRT director, of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security; Marcelo Wong, Deputy Chief Of The National Cyber Security Center, PDI; Héctor Gómez of ANEPE; DEPT. TIC, (Carabineros de Chile) and Motorola. The second day of SeguridadExpo on Wednesday, October 27, will have three panels: “Emerging threats-challenges in the face of new criminal scenarios”: The panelists will be María José Gómez, Undersecretary of Crime Prevention; Jorge Sánchez Sandoval, National Headquarters against Robberies and Criminal Outbreaks, PDI; Gustavo Alessandri, president of the Association of Municipalities of Chile (AMUCH) and Claudio Orrego, governor of the Metropolitan Region. Then the panel “Conventions, transports and provisions of Chemical and Biological Weapons in Security companies and Banks” by the Mobilization Directorate (DGMN). Then the panel “Disaster Management in emergency due to Climate Change” by ONEMI and DIRECTEMAR, Sernageomin/seismology/DGAC-Meteorology. Another of the topics of this day will be “Border Security and Human Migration” and whose panelists will be: Álvaro Bellolio, national director of the Migration Service; Rodrigo Ubilla, former Undersecretary of the Interior; Alex Schwarzenberg, PDI’s National Anti-Narcotics and Organized Crime Chief; Maximiliano Mac-Namara, head of the OCN Interpol Chile. PDI; Carabineros and ANEPE. “Great Forest Fires and Challenges for Responders” and “Climate Change and the Projection of Major Emergencies” both conferences by Bomberos de Chile and CONAF. And on day three of the fair, October 28, the panel “Post-pandemic Occupational Safety” will be held with the speakers Pedro Pizarro of Social Welfare; Manuel Cañón, National Director of the Institute of Occupational Safety and a representative of the Superintendency of Social Security (SUCEAs the last topic of the conferences, the panel “Impacts and challenges of the pandemic on occupational safety and health of the industry” will be held. Guillermo Gacitúa of the National Security Council will participate; Hans Sandoval of Codelco; Javier Cantuarias de Collahuasi; Julián Mansilla of Codelco and a representative of the Chilean Chamber of Construction (CCHC). This fair will be inaugurated on Tuesday, October 26 at 9:00 AM and will be carried out under the strict parameters of the sanitary protocol delivered by the Ministry of Health of the Government of Chile: physical distancing, special places for food centers, the use of a mandatory mask and the mobility pass will be requested. In addition, there will be alcohol gel dispensers in each of the stalls. Sheet: Tuesday 26, Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 October. Place: Espacio Riesco. Avenida El Salto 5000, commune of Huechuraba

SeguridadExpo consolidates its position as the most important trade fair in the industry, attracting more than 4,542 thousand visitors.
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